Partners and collaborators of the rights and resources initiative, RRI, from 21 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America meet in the DRC to talk about « land allocation, rights , climate and conservation in the DRC ” gathered on Tuesday October 17, 2023 in the DR Congo capital, Kinshasa.
Mrs. Solange Ndiaye, coordinator of the Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI), explained the choice of this activity in the DRC in the following term;
“The DRC stands out for its various reforms in land, land use planning, forests and conservation, achieved. These reforms provide a secure and protected framework for the rights of rural and forest peoples and contributed to the call for objectives… RRI, through its members of the coalition, was also involved in the reform on land use planning…”
Solange Ndiaye, coordinator RRI
Mr. Patrick Kipalu, Executive Director RRI Africa, considered this dialogue as a space for collaboration and strategic discussions between the government and all stakeholders who are involved in issues of climate change and the observation of biodiversity.
“it’s a huge opportunity to brainstorm about how to promote and secure the rights of indigenous and local communities in the reforms that are happening… Today a lot of research proves that where there are lands or rights indigenous people, and the local community are secure. These lands experience less deforestation, these lands and these forests retain much more biodiversity, these lands and these forests store a lot of carbon…”
Patrick Kipalu | Executive Director RRI Africa
Among the specific objectives listed for this meeting, these were listed:
- Discuss ongoing reforms in the land, forestry, and climate sectors, including priorities and opportunities for strategic coordination,
- Share the achievements and impacts of the RRI coalition in the DRC over the last 13 years,
- Discuss opportunities to advance rights-based conservation in line with the 30×30 targets (target 3 of the global biodiversity framework) in the Congo Basin region.
The DRC Minister of State, Minister of Regional Planning, Guy Loando Mboyo attended the meeting.