The Central Corridor Transit Transport Facilitation Agency, CCTTFA, represented by its Executive Secretary, Counsel Flory Okandju Okonge was officially received in Kinshasa by the Minister of State in charge of infrastructure and public works Alexis Gisaro Muvuni for a work session early this week.
The working session consisted of an exchange on the issues of integrative multimodal transport infrastructure projects in the Democratic Republic of Congo at the central corridor level. The Central Corridor is an intergovernmental organization made up of seven member countries including the DRC, Burundi, Malawi, Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania and Zambia.
During the interview, Mr. Flory Okandju, Executive Secretary of the central corridor accompanied by Mr. Roger Te-Biasu, Coordinator of the support unit for monitoring regional programs and transport corridor activities, CEPCOR, officially presented the reports of the feasibility studies of the integrating road project, National Road number 5 in its two lots: Uvira-Luberezi and Luberezi – Bukavu for a combined length of 139 kilometers.
“We mainly discussed about two projects, namely the RN5 road project which is based in DR Congo. It is an integrative project, a central corridor road linking the DRC to the port of Dar Salam, via certain neighboring countries, notably Burundi…Based on the instructions of his Excellency the Minister of State, asking us to develop feasibility studies, we had mobilized donors, notably the African Development Bank, NEPAD and ourselves the central corridor… Having completed the feasibility studies, we received instructions from his Excellency the Minister of State asking us to now submit the reports to him. »
Counsel Flory Okandju Okonge | Ex. Sec. CCTTFA
For information, the RN5 connects Bukavu to Lubumbashi, long of 1,356 km. Leaving the city of Lubumbashi for Bukavu, it passes through the main towns of Kasomeno, Kilwa, Pweto, Kalemie, Makungu, Fizi, Baraka, and Uvira.

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